“Exploring the Mind-Expanding World of Steve Jobs, LSD, and the Autobiography of a Yogi”

Shivam Sharma
6 min readJan 21, 2023


The topic of this blog post is to explore the mind-expanding world of Steve Jobs, LSD, and the Autobiography of a Yogi. In this post, we will delve into Steve Jobs’ experience with LSD and how it influenced his perspective on life and work. Additionally, we will also discuss his interest in spirituality and personal development, as well as the book “Autobiography of a Yogi” which he credited as one of the most significant influences on his life. Furthermore, the author will share their own experience with LSD and how it led to learning meditation. And how the book changed their perspective of life completely. The purpose of this blog post is to shed light on the potential of psychedelics and spirituality to expand our minds and change our perspectives on life.

Steve Jobs and LSD:

Steve Jobs, the co-founder and former CEO of Apple, is widely known for his innovation and leadership in the tech industry. However, not many people are aware of his experimentation with psychedelic drugs, particularly LSD, in the 1970s. In a famous 2005 commencement speech at Stanford University, Jobs revealed that taking LSD was one of the most important things he had done in his life. He claimed that the experience helped him to see the world in a new way and to think differently about his life and work.

LSD, also known as Lysergic acid diethylamide, is a powerful psychedelic drug that can cause hallucinations, changes in perception, and intense emotional experiences. It was first synthesized in 1938 by Dr Albert Hofmann and was used in the 1950s and 1960s for psychiatric research and treatment. However, its use was later banned in the United States in 1968 due to concerns about its potential for abuse and negative side effects. Despite this, many people continue to use LSD for recreational and spiritual purposes. It is important to note that the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs should be approached with caution and under the guidance of a professional.

My own experience with LSD:

My first acid trip was an experience that changed the perspective of my life forever. I was at a friend’s house, and we took the drug together. At first, I was a little scared as I had read about bad experiences people had with the drug. It took around an hour before it started kicking in. My friend and I were smoking some hashish outside on the balcony when I started to feel some sensations within me.

As the trip progressed, I became very calm and composed. We went back inside the room and I started playing some shpongle music on the speakers. The music felt so good that I put my ears right next to the speakers, which was something I wouldn’t be able to do in a sober state. The music was influencing my thoughts and emotions and it was an intense experience.

I went to the washroom and while washing my hands, I looked into the mirror and although I saw the same face, it looked different, and I kept looking at my face for some time carefully looking at every area of it with a smile. I realized that reality is not necessarily the way we see it through our eyes. After that, I had many trips, some good and some bad. But eventually, I realized that all these thoughts and emotions are just creations of my mind and they are not existential reality. I learned that if I can work on my mind, I can largely control what happens in my mind. This led me to learn meditation.

I consistently did my meditations every day without taking any day’s breaks until it became really necessary.

Around a year later,

I made two of my friends who hadn’t done any substances experience LSD for the first time. I decided on the choices of music for them and we had arranged large speakers for the trip. All three of us took one stamp each and we played music nonstop on the highest volume. I also lit one incense stick for a good vibe.

During the whole trip, I had the thought and emotion of touching their lives the way mine has been touched. I didn’t have any thoughts in my mind largely, I did not feel good or bad. I sat in Padmasana and my eyes were closed. Now that I think of it, I realize it wasn’t me who sat in that asana, it just happened to me. Although the music was playing, I was filled with emptiness.

We went on to the terrace to smoke up a joint, and one of my friends expressed his immense gratitude towards me for making him experience that. At that moment, I realized the biggest gift we humans have is the ability to touch lives selflessly without expecting anything in return. And you get enriched in life by giving, if you think you have nothing to give you always have yourself to give.

Autobiography of a yogi and its impacts on Steve Jobs

In addition to his experimentation with LSD, Steve Jobs also had a deep interest in spirituality and personal development. He credited reading the book “Autobiography of a Yogi” as one of the most significant influences on his life. Written by Paramahansa Yogananda and first published in 1946, the book is a memoir of the author’s spiritual journey and experiences with various spiritual teachers. It is considered a classic in the field of spiritual literature and has been translated into many languages.

Famous Endorsements: The book has been praised by several famous figures including George Harrison, Ray Bradbury, and Oprah Winfrey.

As for me,

I had an intense desire of knowing what the meaning of life is many years after in Coronavirus lockdown I was led to the book autobiography of a yogi. It changed my perspective of life completely. If you plan to read it as a fiction novel it is no less than Harry Potter. But as you proceed with the book you will realize through your instincts that these are not fictional stories. It talks about the spiritual teachings of the great Indian saint, Paramahansa Yogananda, and his experiences with various spiritual teachers, and the book will take you on a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation.


In conclusion, Steve Jobs and his experience with LSD, as well as his interest in spiritual literature like “Autobiography of a Yogi,” demonstrate the potential of psychedelics and spirituality to expand our minds and change our perspectives on life. While LSD and other psychedelic drugs can be dangerous and should be used with caution, they can also be powerful tools for personal growth and self-discovery. The book “Autobiography of a Yogi” is a great resource for those interested in exploring spiritual teachings and personal development.

*Writing this article on behalf of someone known

